New Favorite Keyboard

I’ve been typing on IBM keyboards for a long time. Ever since the original IBM PC came out in 1981. That’s a long time and a lot of keystrokes. Millions, probably. IBM got out of the keyboard business a long time ago, selling it off to Unicomp. I guess there’s not enough consulting business in keyboards. I have a decent collection of these old keyboards and I have been hoarding them and moving them from PC to PC for many years. The newer ones tend to be a bit mushier than the old ones and the click is not as crisp. Maybe I’ve just worn them down.

Recently I heard about the daskeyboard and it intrigued me enough to order one. I wimped out and ordered the "Professional" which has letters on the keys. It showed up a few days ago and I have been test-driving it at work.

So far I really love it. The click is crisp. The keys have good action and tactile response but a bit lighter touch than my current IBM keyboard. It’s nice to have a modern keyboard with a USB connector and built-in USB hub. With Vista, I find myself actually using the Windows key on my laptop, so it’s nice to finally have on one on my workstation. When I get typing fast it sounds like an overexcited Geiger counter and it makes me feel (and sound) productive!

The glossy black finish looks really sweet and it even comes with a tiny polishing cloth to keep it clean.

I am still getting used to the slightly different key layout, but I think it’s a keeper. My only regret now is not getting the Ultimate keyboard which looks truly cool. Maybe I will have to get one more, just in case!

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8 Responses to New Favorite Keyboard

  1. Yiding 地久天长 says:

    you can give this one to me, i don\’t mind erasing all characters manually by myself.
    and you\’ll have an excuse to get the ultimate version, which i myself have longed for months…

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