is scaring me

I am used to Amazon’s psychic ability to tell me all about things to buy I never knew I wanted. I end up spending a lot of money there. Today I saw they had a great deal on the Harmony 880 remote. I already have this remote and I think it’s awesome, the greatest remote ever. Unfortunately my old remote had a sudden daughter-aided wall impact and has been flaky as hell ever since. I ordered a new one on Amazon this morning around 10am (that’s another $160 coming out of Annie’s inheritance). I get free 2-day shipping with my Prime membership so it’s due to arrive on Friday.
I get home this afternoon after picking up the kids at school and there’s a UPS Dynamex package on my doorstep. From Amazon. It’s the remote. That’s not two-day shipping. That’s not next-day shipping. It’s not even same-day shipping. It’s SIX HOUR SHIPPING. I don’t think they could have gotten it here much faster if Jeff Bezos dropped it off at my house on the way home.
(correction: originally I assumed it was a UPS package, but when I checked the shipping email I noticed it was shipped by Dynamex. They do same-day shipping. For whatever reason it must have been cheaper for Amazon to ship same-day with Dynamex than two-day with UPS)
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1 Response to is scaring me

  1. Paul says:

    Are you implying that Amazon is better at shipping products than Microsoft? 😉

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